
What our customers have to say.


C76 Architecture logo
Dan de Kretser
Project Manager / C76 Architecture

C76 Architecture

We have tried out the Thermoshield product and are very happy with the results.

Arensig Handcrafted Wines Logo
Lourens Van Der Westhuizen

Arendsig Handcrafted Wines

Good day   Last week I got somebody in to paint my roof at Arendsig Handcrafted Wines.   It most definitely brought the temperature down, so the result was positive.  

Spoornet Logo
Mnr. A. Boshoff
Senior Ingeneerstegnikus: Eiendom Bestuur / Spoornet


Hiermee bevestig ons dat Thermoshield dienste verrig het by ons maatskappy en dat ons hoogs tevrede was met hulle produkte, asook hulle profesionele dienste. Voordat Spoornet se dakke behandel is, was die temperatuur so hoog as 47c binne die locale gemeet. Sedert die dakke egter behandel was, word daar ‘n aangename temperatuur van tussen 25 – 27 = 5c gehandhaaf. Selfs op dae wanneer die temperatuur baie hoog buite is. Die produk is werklik uitstekend en ek kan dit met groot vrymoedigheid aanbeveel.

Distell Logo
Riel Tredoux
Navorsingwynkundige / Distell


Thermoshield kan met groot lof aanbeveel word vir enige maatskappy. Die maksimum temperatuur binne in die stoor, het feitlik elke dag die buite temperatuur oorskry met tussen 3c en 8c, totdat die verf aangewend is en toe is die verskil sowat 4 tot 6c meer aan die buitekant. Die ‘claim’ van 10c verskil kan met reg deur die verskaffers gemaak word as gelyk word na die beperkte hoeveelheid data wat tans beskikbaar is. Enige maatskappy kan net baat by hierdie uitmuntende produkte.

Coca-Cola Logo
Coenraad Louw
Instandhouding Ingeneer / Coca-Cola

Coca – Cola

Die annvoelbare tempretuur van my werkswinkel was 43.6c. Na die produk aangewend was het die tempretuur na 'n 24.4c gedaal. 'n Verskil van 19.2c (44%). Die tempretuur buite was 31c toe die boegenaamde leseings geneem was. Eh is heel verbaas, ek het nie gedink dat daar so 'n groot verskil sal wees nie. Voorheen was dit 'n gestraf om in the werkswinkel to werk, nou is dit maar 'n plesier.

Meerlust Wine Estate
G Dalla Cia
General Manager / Meerlust Wine Estate

Meerlust Wine Estate

We are extremely happy with the temperature reductions achieved and only emphasize and testify that these are in line with the commercial information handed over at the time of order.

Vital health foods
Peter Tremlett
Engineering Manager / Vital Health Foods

Vital Health Foods

Vital Health Foods is a manufacturer of Nutriceuticals and Health products and is situated in Stikland, Kuilsriver in Cape Town. Our premises are in excess of 10,000 sqm in area and are used primarily for the production, storage and administration of our products. Due to the nature of our business and the products that we deal with we need to maintain strict climate control measures which involve the use of air-conditioning. As part of our intervention program to save electricity we decided to use Thermoshield Heat Barrier Coating on our roof to reduce the interior temperatures and so cut down on our electrical consumption due to air-conditioning. This has helped to drop the electrical peaks from 1100 amps to 750 amps and has shown a reduction in usage of air conditioning throughout the facility. This translated into a R205 453.80 savings over a 12 month period.

KWV Distillery Logo
EH Oliver
Manager Technical Services / KWV Distillery

KWV Distillery

The Tour guides remarked on the pleasant cool conditions inside the distillery. The temperatures inside and outside the store are being monitored. At an ambient temperature of between 37 and 40 c, the temperature inside the store remained between 25 - 27c which is a whole 33% degrees cooler. This is a remarkable improvement and worthy of mention.

SAB Logo
Gavin Green
Distribution Manager / South African Breweries

South African Breweries

The Thermoshield coating was applied to the slate roof and the IBR roof sheeting. An immediate improvement in the heat transfer was noted by means of a thermometer from an average of 37c to an astonishing average of 25.5c! (32.5%) Definitely a product that can be recommended for use wherever there is a heat problem.